December Birthstone

Oh you fortuitous ones with December birthdays!  With stones like tanzanite and turquoise who wouldn't love being born in December? Ok I get it, the whole holidays and birthdays conflict makes sense, but with these stones?! Lucky you!

Studies have shown that blue is one of the worlds all time favorite colors.  It's no wonder since blue is associated with emotions such as calming, soothing, and relaxing.  

Tanzanite was discovered in the 1960's and is named as such because it is only found in Tanzania.  There's a lot of amazing things about Tanzanite and a few items you should know if you're looking to invest in one. It's colors range from a rich violet blue to purple and are highly prized for their vivid coloration.  At a time it was even used as an alternate stone for sapphire. However, Tanzanite's are frequently heat treated to bring out that color.  If you're looking for an everyday ring it might not be the best for you due to the fact that It's a softer stone. It could work well though, in a piece that get's less wear and tear.

Mythology states that those who wear this stone will become aware of their life's calling. That they will manifest their true selves instead of conforming to the norm.



Turquoise goes in and out based on trends but has always been a favorite in the American southwest.  Some of it's oldest known uses were in Ancient Egypt and Persia.  It's colors vary from robin's egg blue to sky blue and even shades of green.  With a softness nearing window glass, it's easily fracturable.  Buyer beware, If the price is too good to be true, it probably is.  Unknowing customers are often sold turquoise that's made of resin or plastic.  Symbolism includes prosperity, success, happiness and good fortune.  
