

[spes-uh-muh n] 


1. a part or an individual taken as exemplifying a whole mass ornumber; a typical animal, plant, mineral, part, etc.

2.(in medicine, microbiology, etc.) a sample of a substance or materialfor examination or study:

a urine specimen; a tissue specimen.

3. a particular or peculiar kind of person.

Michael Mapes Human Specimens

Michael Mapes Human Specimens

Michael Mapes Human Specimens  

Michael Mapes Human Specimens



Andrew Meyers Art.  Screw Sculpture.

Andrew Meyers Art.  Screw Sculpture.

Andrew Meyers Art.  Screw Sculpture.    

Andrew Meyers Art.  Screw Sculpture.  



Daniel Kornrumpf - Embroidery art

Daniel Kornrumpf - Embroidery art

Daniel Kornrumpf - Embroidery art

Daniel Kornrumpf - Embroidery art